Learning AID 2025: International perspectives welcome!

Beitragsbild Learning AID Call for Submissions (International perspectives welcome)

Learning AID 2025: International perspectives welcome!

Call for Submission

The Learning AID conference is the specialized conference on Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Higher Education in German-speaking countries. Since 2022, Learning AID has established itself as the central networking hub for the topics addressed at the conference. New in this year’s edition: for the first time, we are specifically calling for contributions in English to invite international perspectives on the conference topics.

Save the date:

The fourth edition of Learning AID will take place on September 2nd and 3rd 2025 at Ruhr University Bochum.

Why are we calling for international submissions?

By including an international perspective into the conference program, we would like to further expand the scope of the conference in 2025. We hope to gain valuable insights into the questions, discussions, examples and solutions that are at the heart of the current international debate on Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Higher Education.

To get a broader understanding of the conference topics from an international point of view, we are looking for contributions in English from countries other than Germany presenting their research or practical examples as well as for contributions from English-speaking persons within Germany engaging with the conference topics from an international perspective.

Submissions are possible until February 28th 2025.

Conference content and topics

Together with you, we want to discuss the following questions, for example:

  • What new research findings are there on the effectiveness of learning analytics and AI-supported teaching and learning at international higher education institutions?
  • How can data literacy and AI literacy be promoted at international higher education institutions?
  • How can learning analytics or AI be put into practice within a course?
  • How can learning analytics and AI offer practical support to student advisors?
  • How can students participate in and contribute to these developments?
  • Which applications and software solutions to support higher education teaching are being developed or used in practice?
  • What are the practical consequences of generative AI and learning analytics for examinations?
  • Which critical AI developments do international higher education institutions need to find solutions for?

For Learning AID 2025, you have the opportunity to submit both research and practical contributions on the following exemplary topics in the international higher education context (submissions on related topics are also possible):

Wordcloud Call for Submissions Englisch

Impulse forums in English

International contributions will take place in impulse forums, combining presentations and discussions. The 60 or 90-minute impulse forums are each divided into 2 or 3x 30-minute slots. Each presentation has 20 minutes of presentation time to highlight innovative theses and research questions or to present experiences from practical projects on the topics of the conference for discussion. 10 minutes are left for questions, feedback and/or statements from other participants. Each impulse forum will be moderated by a chair.

More about the Learning AID 2025

  • Detailed information about deadlines, the submission and review process, the conference fee and general organizational information.
  • Please note: While the international track will be held in English, the general conference language remains German.
Organisatoren der Learning AID 2025 Englisch

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